Do Chuck Taylors Run Big or Small?
Converse shoes have been around since 1917. Sometime in the 1920s, a then famous basketball player by the name of Chuck Taylor started wearing Converse shoes and promoting them. They really began to catch on by this point.
By the 80s and 90s that had become kind of a fashion icon. Now, in the 2019, they are still going strong and as popular as ever. I think though, it is pretty widely known that Converse, especially Chuck Taylors, run a little big.
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How does the unisex sizing work with Converse All-Stars?
Chuck Taylors are unisex shoes, meaning they are the same shoes for both men and women. Women should order 2 sizes smaller than they are used to and also another half size down according to most reviewers. So a men’s size 9 is also a women’s size 11. But because they run a little big, take that into consideration AFTER you have done your size conversion.

Do Chuck Taylors fit true to size?
According to the Amazon “fits as expected chart”, 73% of people said the shoes fit as expected. Now take this with a grain of salt, this may take into consideration that people already knew what to expect when buying Chuck Taylors. While many are saying they run big, and that’s always been my experience, others are saying they fit true to size. You can see by the feedback though that many more people reported the shoes running too big than too small. Unfortunately, it’s hard to get a clear cut answer here because of the unisex sizing.
73% of Amazon purchasers say that Chuck Taylor shoes fit as expected
Converse Chuck Taylors are known for being unisex shoes and for running big. For women you should order 2 sizes down when buying Chuck Taylors, then another half size down. For men, order a half size down from your true size. Here is an example:
Women’s shoes normally size 7: in Converse Chuck Taylors would be size 5, then order another half size down to size 4.5.
Men’s shoes normally size 11: in Converse Chuck Taylors order a size 10.5.
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